Izutaro @ Collectors & Hobbies Fest 2019
Izutaro @ Collectors & Hobbies Fest 2019
#izutaro #plarobo #chf19
Hi and welcome to Putaro Plastic Modeller! Have you been to the Collectors & Hobbies Fest 2019 (CHF19)? Here are some collection of our photos for you guys. The event was held on 24th & 25th August 2019 at Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. This is it's 3rd time in Kulim. The CHF also did another event in the same place called Oh Kulim! Festival. There got so many things, such as Cosplay, Gunpla competition, Toys exhibition, Beyblade Tournament, kids coloring contest, concert etc. ..and I cannot shoot everything, so here some for you guys..
By the way, thanks for supporting us until today!
We Izutaro did participated in this event as exhibitor and vendor too!
On the second day, the Oh Kulim! Festival was officiated by YB DATO' SERI HAJI MUKHRIZ TUN DR. MAHATHIR.
Cosplay competition!
Toys and action figures exhibition!
Izutaro booth!!!
-- Gunpla Competition --
-- Exhibition --
The man behind of CHF. Naze.

Thank you for your time!

---- Our product that sold on that day ----
----- Izutaro ----