Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining


Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Hi and welcome to Putaro Plastic Modeller! Because of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), most countries are initiating Lockdown or Movement Control Order. So most of us need to stay home. To all front liners, thank you so much! Here's something from us to cheer you up and something to share.

#plarobo #izutaro #stayhome #staysafestayhome #stayhomesavelives #covid19

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

Stay at Home: SD Gundam cute diorama by Putra Shining

----- Izutaro ----

#izutaro #plarobo

 #plarobo #izutaro

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